
By: Louise Ottewell / January 22, 2018
Tags: Media release

A Fresh New Marketing Agency Launches in Cairns

Forte Marketing has opened its doors to businesses in Cairns and is set to bring innovative and exciting marketing campaigns to companies in the region. Founded by Louise Ottewell and Darren Baines and underpinned by over 30 years’ industry experience, the duo introduces a big city style agency service, directly to local businesses.

‘There is so much going on in Cairns right now with more and more businesses realising the importance of investing positively in their brand story and embracing new strategies to ensure their product or service is being seen and heard in all the right places’ said Louise Ottewell, Marketing Strategist at Forte Marketing.

With the predicted local economic growth and significant investments being made in the region by corporate giants such as the Crystalbrook Collection, now more than ever, is the time for business owners to ensure their brand story is kept contemporary, engaging and relevant.

‘Branding is experiencing a massive shift, as digital advances create more touch points’ said Darren Baines, Marketing Strategist at Forte Marketing. ‘It is essential for your brand personality to expand to other dimensions such as voice, tone and brand actions, all of which must continue to reflect your brand’s core persona’ he added.

‘We are all guilty of ‘setting and forgetting’ our marketing strategy but by dedicating uninterrupted time throughout the year to properly evaluate and plan your marketing strategy, you are more likely to achieve a positive return on your investment both financially and in terms of meeting your marketing objectives’ said Darren.

‘Planning ensures each dollar is spent wisely on effective campaigns, and will convert to a positive shift on your bottom line, but all too often, people don’t know where to begin, which is where we come in’ he added.

There is still a mindset that if you want to get the best marketing advice, you need to go to one of the capital cities for your marketing needs, but this could in fact be doing your business a disservice. ‘Cairns is a unique destination and it is important to understand what works in the actual area where your business is based. All too often, applying the same strategies used in say Brisbane or Sydney, won’t be effective here in Cairns’ said Louise. ‘We have the experience of big city business, but we also have extensive local knowledge’ she added.

‘We prefer to meet our clients face to face, as we believe it’s the most effective way to build trust and understanding of what our clients are looking for or need. There are of course always going to be principles and practises that are effective regardless of location, but to really get the edge and under the skin of a business, you need to take the time to get to know them’ said Darren.

Read more about Forte Marketing’s approach to marketing strategy in our Cairns Post article.

Louise Ottewell

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