Education Portal


The Sharing Stories Foundation approached Forte Marketing in 2019 to share their vision of a place-based, integrated educational platform to allow educators around Australia to embed the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures as part of the Australian Curriculum.

With that vision in mind, Forte Marketing began investigating requirements and functions to help the organisation deliver their ambition. Over the course of the exploration and development of wireframes, we partnered with the organisation to refine the vision and, then ultimately, build a prototype which helped validate the functionality and presentation.

This functional prototype became a key tool to gaining support, which helped transform the vision into reality.

Web Design and Development for Jajoo Warrngara, an online education platform by Forte Marketing.
Web Design and Learning Management Implementation for Sharing Stories Foundation

The build

Forte Marketing built a platform containing different educational resources such as Units and Lessons, Multi-touch Books, Discovery Maps, Videos and supporting documents. All created with and approved by the First Nations communities SharingStories partner with. With a place-based concept front of mind, Jajoo Warrngara presents a series of maps to help users discover these education resources based on their geographical location. Whilst also being able to filter by subject and year level.

Jajoo Warrngara is a social enterprise, that distributes a share of its revenue to communities that co-developed the resources, with the remaining funds used to continue future projects with communities. To facilitate this social enterprise concept, we developed a membership and subscription model that ultimately generates the revenue needed to continue their good work.

There were a few additional technical challenges with the goal of improving user experience, including a custom Google Maps layer, a custom internal search engine plus integration with the CRM and specific data points being sent to their analytics platform.

Solutions delivered

Web Development






What the client said

Biggest thank you to Forte. Thank you for saying yes to all our crazy ideas and making this project a reality. You have been with us from the seed of an idea so many years ago and stuck with us through so many iterations. Couldn't recommend a working partnership more.

Taz Miller, Co-CEO, SharingStories Foundation

Taz Miller, Co-CEO of Sharing Stories Foundation

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