
By: Darren Baines / January 19, 2020
Tags: Content marketing, Digital, Marketing... in a minute

EP2: Preparing your content calendar

If growth is your goal for 2020, you need a considered communications plan which does more than sit in a folder on your laptop gathering digital dust. Here are our top tips.

Start with a simple calendar of events. Include obvious dates such as Christmas but also, any milestones relevant to your business so you can plan, instead of react.

Enter your strategic goals. Rather than simply announcing a new product or service, think about the decision-making process and what content will help customers move through it.

Understand your audience. Sounds obvious, but youโ€™d be surprised how many people donโ€™t. Define your audience and create relevant content.

Use the right tool for the job as information can be delivered in many ways. If you subscribe to our newsletter, you have probably already realised that this video is an adaption of our January edition.

Take time to consider the frequency of your posts and avoid pointless memes as these wonโ€™t do anything to elevate your brand.

Darren Baines

Marketing Specialist & Director

Darren is an experienced marketer, having worked both client and agency side to deliver digital and traditional campaigns.

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